Pastor & First Lady

Reverend Dr. E.L.Smiling Jr. is dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Family, and the  Ministry which God has entrusted to his hands. He has a tremendous passion for Gods Word coupled with a love for Gods people. He preached his initial sermon at the Mount Zion Baptist Church, Triangle, VA in January 1996 and was issued his Ministerial credentials the same day by the Mount Zion church family and his Pastor, the Reverend Dr. Alfred Jones, Jr. He was Ordained as a Baptist Minister in January of 2000 and called by God to Pastor the  Clevers Oak Baptist Church, Goldvein, VA in June of 2000.


Reverend Smiling is married to Jeanie Smiling and between the two of them, they are the proud parents of seven beautiful children.


First Lady is the Chairperson of the Youth Ministry and the Angels of Praise Dance Ministry. The Youth Ministry is all about birthing, developing, and maturing young spiritual leaders to carry the Gospel of Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ to the next generation. Through the Youth Ministry and Angel of Praise Dance Ministry, First Lady Smiling helps prepare our youth for spiritual warfare in a world where peer pressure, temptation, the desire to fit in, self identity, the flesh, and the wiles of the devil are all stacked up against them. Her aim is to prepare the youth for life as young Christians in a world full of darkness.

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